
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Spotlight Interview with Escrow Coach- Stephany Beck with FNTG
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Gems are being dropped in this interview!!! I put our very own Escrow Coach Stephany Beck in the hot seat and the take aways were endless! Learn her secret sauce that you should write down and pin up at your operation! Thank you Stephany for being real and raw with my audience, you are so appreciated! Also, Stephany and I are coaching a Mindset Membership Course together. PM me to sign up! Push play and get ready for the nuggets!!!!

Monday Dec 04, 2023
Fun Interview with the Announcer of the Price is Right- George Gray!
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Commmmmeeeee onnnnnnn downnnnnn and listen to this awesome interview with the announcer of the Price is Right, George Gray! George is one cool cat! He talks about his journey to get the hard gigs, real life situations, some direct advice and he will make you laugh for sure. In his past life, George was a stand up comedian, so sorry in advance for all the laughter. Enjoy the show!!!!

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Real Estate Roller Coaster #9 ”You are the shift, not the market”
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Back on the mic and it feels so good. The Real Estate Roller Coaster continues. Check out #9 "You are the shift, not the market" and see my direct approach for tackling this market with the right mindset. This one line may be all you have been waiting for.... so click play and let's go for a ride!!!

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Real Estate Roller Coaster - Chapter 8 the ”Curve Ball”
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Another part of the Real Estate Roller Coaster Series is the "Curve Ball! Curve balls are the ultimate teacher as long as you grab the lesson and keep going up to bat... you will get through it. Stop waiting for the prefect pitch and just swing. Choosing tactical practices daily will set you up for GAME DAY!! Check it out!

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
There comes a time when you get to sit in front of someone who has done the impossible, who you admire, respect and appreciate. Someone you put in the hot seat that you don't want the interview to end. Someone who stretches their limits. Someone who exceeds expectations effortlessly. Someone you commits to excellence by nature. Someone who shows up to serve, combat and WIN. Someone who works as a team, takes responsibility and who is honorable. That someone is Jake Williams. Come on this journey with me in this interview where I can't get enough. I want more! Jake, you are a true hero and it was an honor interviewing you. Thank you for your service and wisdom. You're the best!

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Tuesday Jun 27, 2023
Just like the title says I am rapping out with 3 of my Elite Club Committee Rockstars Cody, Linda and Morgan, who are top sales reps in their area. The Elite Club is my continuation program after you graduate coaching. These gals are in my committee. I throw everything at them and the kitchen sink and they are firing off GOLD in this Podcast!! Thanks ladies... love collaborating with you all! Check this one out, nuggets galore!

Friday May 26, 2023
Interview with Top 2% Escrow Officer in the Nation- Lisa Nunes
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Hot Seat has a gem in it today! You have to check out this podcast with an escrow officer of 35 years in the real estate business sharing how she makes it all work at the top of her business game and balancing a life she LOVES! She gets personal and shares her journey on how she got there. I could listen to her all day! Lisa, thank you for sharing your brilliance with us, with your advice and tips to boot! YOU ROCK!!! Sales, after you listen to this.... please share this podcast with your escrow officers, thank you!

Thursday May 11, 2023
Interview with Author of the Agent’s Edge with the G.O.A.T, Jordan Cohen
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
To say I am over the moon for this interview is an understatement. It was truly an honor to interview a person who was #1 on my MEGA target list, that I could of only dreamed to get an order from back in the day when I was a rep. It took a few years, but the day he said YES to working with me, everything changed and I am forever grateful. Now he is in the hot seat giving title sales people amazing tips, nuggets and guidance from from his NEW BOOK The Agent's Edge. This is a sales book for Real Estate and we in title can equate many of these best practices to our line of work as well. Jordy, thanks for sharing your brilliance with the world, this gem is going to be a BEST SELLER. Pre-order yours today!

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Losing weight tips with Nicki and Erin who both lost 40 lbs!
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
I am fascinated by my clients journey's to achieving their personal goals, as in coaching we don't just talk about business goals. Nicki Reichel and Erin Olmsted both went on two different weight loss journeys and they are in the HOT SEAT to talk about it. The tips, lessons, stumbles, focus and determination is infectious in this interview. Congratulations on both of you losing 40lbs organically, that is amazing!!! Thank you for the encouragement, ladies. I got lots of take aways from this one!

Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Real Estate Roller Coaster Chapter #7 ”Embrace the Suck!”
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
As we continue on this wild Real Estate ride, we have to remember there are going to be things we have to do each day to change our mindset, hit our goals and up our numbers. Some of it we need to EMBRACE THE SUCK, some of it we need to learn, some of it we need to try, some of it we need to reboot, some of it we need to just go for it! Take a listen as I share what over 1200 reps are saying out there in the market today. Those that embrace the suck and just do it are winning. Enjoy!!